AR-4814 - Twin Lead Reduction unit Replacement Cartridge for Classroom Sinks


Replacement Cartridge for Twin Lead Reduction unit for Classroom Sinks.

The AR-4814 is the replacement cartridge for the Twin Reduction Unit for Classroom Sinks. Model number: AWS-4814.

Capacity 6,000 Gallons (22,712 Liters) Lead Reduction 15,000 Gallons (56,780 Liters) Chlorine Removal or every 12 months, whichever occurs first.
Flow Rate 2.4 GPM (9.08 L/m) Maximum
Max Pressure 75 PSI
Max Temp 100°F (Use cold water line only)
Efficiency The Aquaspace® Twin Lead Reduction unit will effectively remove Chlorine, Cysts, and Lead. In addition, Aquaspace removes unpleasant colors, tastes, odors, sediment and turbidity. It does not remove beneficial dissolved minerals that are essential for good health.
Filter Section Replace Lead filter cartridge (AR-4814) when rated capacity (6,000 gallons lead reduction/15,000 gallons chlorine removal) is reached, or EVERY 12 MONTHS, whichever occurs first. REORDER: Lead Filter AR- 4814.
Guarantee One full year for material and workmanship. Due to varying water quality, the filter section is not covered under warranty. Maintenance free.

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